Family Christmas trip to Dubai

January 5, 2020

First of all- I hope everyone’s Holidays and New Year’s celebrations were great and you got to spend time with your loved ones.

For all of my life we have had the same Christmas traditions. The whole family comes together, we eat a bunch of food, we have Santa Claus visiting and everyone has to read a poem / sing a song / dance for every present they got.

This year we decided to do it a bit differently.

Me, my sister and brother all have pretty big age differences. I am 27 (soon 28), Eeva just turned 22 and Richard is 13. Me and Eeva have been to a lot of trips together and she and Richard, but since by the time Richard was 4 years old, I already moved out of home, we had never actually been on a trip the three of us together. So we made it happen.

We wanted to go to a place where no-one in the family had been before and with coordinating the schedules of 6 people, Christmas week was the only one that worked for everyone.

We chose Dubai.

Since I know it’s a popular destination for a lot of Estonians to visit in the colder months of the year, I figured I’d share some of the fun things we did there.

Christmas trip crew- me, Nick, my sister, her boyfriend, my brother and mom

Off we go

We stayed at JBR Sonder Suites located in the Jumeirah Beach area. We absolutely loved the place, since it was huge, great views and nice neighbourhood. We had a kitchen, big living area an four bedrooms, four bathrooms.

Our home for the time in Dubai

Especially good kids still had elves visiting them in Dubai

Not a bad way to fall asleep

The first day we just hung out by the beach and the pool. Our luggage for some reason was not put on the plane in Estonia, so we spent the first days mostly lounging.

Beach days

Jumeirah Beach is a great area to stay. It has a lot of food places, nice water-side walk and like the name says- good beach.

Dubai Marina area
Put your hands up for Dubai

Jumeriah Beach is just a 10 minute walk from Dubai Marina mall and a beautiful promenade. We went there multiple evenings to walk around and enjoy the views.

One of the first sightseeing activities we did was visiting the Dubai Miracle Gardens. It’s a park full of colourful flowers and Disney characters. For kids it’s probably an especially memorable experience and I surely get giddy visiting places like that too.

Dubai Miracle Garden sights

Nick made me do it!

Near the Miracle Gardens is a very cool place called The Global Village. They have a lot of countries, their food and specialities represented. We watched a stunt show, ate and walked around. It is ginormous so if you want to look through the whole place you can easily spend most of the day there.

One of the days we went on a Desert Safari. It consisted of ATV driving, jeep cruise in the desert, sand boarding, dune pictures and dinner with 6 different Arabic shows. That was one of the favourite things for most of our crew, that we did on the trip.

Since there are a lot of service providers, it might get a bit overwhelming at times looking what to choose. Pretty much all the things we did were recommendations from friends who have lived in UAE or visited multiple times. That was also the case with the Safari. We had great jeep driver, who made the journey even more enjoyable.

Desert safari with all of its activities was definitely a highlight

Dubai has a lot of “the biggest / tallest / fastest in the world” attractions. One of them is the grandiose City Center with the world’s tallest building- Burj Khalifa. Obviously- we couldn’t miss seeing that.

On top of the world
Dress from my favourite- Denimdream
“Look, you can see Estonia from here”

In the evening time we visited the Dubai Frame. On one side you can see the Old Dubai and on the other side the New City Center. It also tells a bit about the history of the city and the future vision. Very neat experience.

Dubai Frame views

At night there is a big fountain and light show in front of Burj Khalifa, which is beautiful. Next to Burj Khalifa, Dubai Mall is definitely worth a visit. For the underwater world lovers- Dubai Aquarium, one of the largest of its kind, is also located in the Mall.

Burj Khalifa light show

In between sight-seeings, eating and swimming, a little bit on working out and reading fit in the daily agenda too.

“Do your squats and read your books. Grow your booty and your mind”

Since Abu Dhabi is just an hour drive away from Dubai we rented a car one day and took a road-trip to the capital of United Arabic Emirates.

Road trip gang

We visited the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, which was amazing.

Mind-blowing Grand Mosque

On our way back we also explored an area called La Mer, which is a beach front near the City Center. It has colourful little restaurants and great vibe. For my Estonians- resembles a bit of Telliskivi in Tallinn. It’s a beautiful place for an evening stroll.

Seafood night
Palm trees and concrete jungle

All the previous years our Christmas Eve has been filled with blood sausage, sauerkraut, potatoes, veggies and cakes. This time we had our dinner in Dubai Marina in a place called Pier 7. It is a restaurant with 7 floors, different cousins and a view to the water. We enjoyed Lebanese food.

My beautiful sister and mom
Dress- Denimdream
Christmas Eve dinner

One day while me and Nick were hanging by the pool, my sister, her boyfriend and my brother went to the Atlantis Waterpark. My 13 year old brother loved every minute of it. As much as I heard from them and saw the pictures- it has some wild and fast tracks but also pretty view to the Palm and to the City.

Lazy pool days
Atlantis Waterpark

Overall we really enjoyed our time in Dubai. It is one of the most clean big cities I’ve been in and there is a lot to do for various preferences. Also seems to be very kid-friendly with changing rooms, playgrounds everywhere.

Golden hour

Dubai was great, but the most I cherish the time we got to spend together as a family. So blessed to call my family members one of my best friends!

Wishing you all an amazing 2020- a lot of adventures and memorable moments with close ones!




6 responses to “Family Christmas trip to Dubai”

Kuidas seal praegusel ajal riietumistavad on, st kas avalikes kohtades peaks ikkagi jätkuvalt jälgima kohalikku tava, et õlad ja vähemalt põlvedeni võiks olla kaetud? Või on seal nüüd nii palju välismaalasi ja turiste, et ei pahandata lühema riietuse peale?

Oi, väga hea küsimus! Ma enne minekut lugesin ka selle kohta ja igaksjuhuks oli mitu paari pikki pükse ka kaasas, aga tegelikult lõpuks polnudki vaja. Kleitide osas pigem proovisin üle põlve omasid kanda ja sall või jakk, mida õlgadele panna oli ka kaasas. Aga silma jäi palju turiste, kes ka lühikeste riietega ja ei tundunud küll, et kuidagi viltu vaadati. Eks ta kultuuri austamise mõttes ilusam vast ole, aga turistikates saab ka ilma hakkama😊

you don’t mind. I was interested to find out how you cente yourself and clear your head prior too writing.

Hey Stacy,
Great question! To be honest with a pretty tight work schedule I usually just have to decide on a time block I am able to allow for writing and then make the most of it:D Sometimes it´s flowing, sometimes really not… and then it waits for the next time slot:D Also, I do not write very often, approximately once a month or so, which allows me to gather my thoughts and for the blogging not to become a burden.
Also, what helps me, is that I personally have to be really excited about the topic, then I am passionate to share and the head is more clear before writing too;)

Hope this helps a bit. All the best to you!

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